A dentist is no longer just a doctor for basic treatments like fillings and extractions, as it was for many years in the past.

Many people are now interested in cosmetic treatments and seek our expertise and advice to help them improve their facial appearance. Not too dissimilar to the hairdresser for your hair, manicurist for your nails or cosmetic surgeon for your body, your dentist is your smile consultant!

We have available for our patients the most recent and effective technics and materials for teeth straitening and teeth whitening, we also aim to focus on all the simple details which make dental veneers perfect and how a full ceramic restoration will mimic nature’s dental morphology, in its best form!

For the perfect aesthetic result, the shade and the re-shape of our teeth is not always enough. Facial treatment is a common, simple procedure that everybody could have with impressive results. We have taken a step forward in our practice and introduced for our patients Facial Cosmetic Injectables.