For years, many people had to compromise with their smile, because there was no other option for having your teeth straighten apart from wearing the traditional orthodontic brackets.

This treatment is still very efficient and it can be used in many occasions. Many of us though are still reluctant to commit to such a treatment.

Whether you are a parent, a professional or both, whether you’ve got a busy social and personal life or a long time relationships, you may wish to improve your teeth without being embarrassed about the treatment you are having.

NuvolaStraight teeth look more beautiful and healthy and can be cleaned more easily!

Treatment with Nuvola Clear Aligners is easier than ever before.

Invisible, Removable and Comfortable

Nuvola clear aligners are virtually transparent, no one will know you are wearing them and they will not alter your speech.

The treatment requires a series of Nuvola aligners which each of them need to be replaced every 15 days with the next one, so one stage after the other will work perfectly and comfortably towards the desired result.

You wear the Nuvola Aligners for about 20 hours per day to be effective and you ought to remove them during meals and snacks.


Nuvola consultation appointment

During this appointment, we take upper and lower impressions of your teeth to gather information about their current position. We also take some pictures of your teeth, which help us devise a better plan for you.

About a couple of weeks later we have available an online 3-D report and we can view the progress of the treatment and, more importantly, visualise the Nuvola result. Be sure that the potential results will impress you!!

A treatment with Nuvola Clear Aligners is not a matter of a month or two. You will need to allow some time – usually between 8-15 months. It all depends on the individual case and of course on how much effort the patient wants to put in.

Don’t forget: Nuvola Clear Aligners include a set of retainers which should follow the treatment and guarantee the maintenance of your straight and beautiful teeth.